
In the Poincaré disk model of hyperbolic geometry, geodesics are represented by arcs of circles that intersect the boundary of the disk at right angles, rather than by straight lines as in Euclidean geometry. The unique property of these geodesics — being circular arcs orthogonal to the disk’s boundary — reflects the non-Euclidean nature of hyperbolic space, where the concepts of shortest paths, parallel lines, and angles differ significantly from those in Euclidean settings. In the geodesics module of the hypertiling package we provide a number of helper methods which can be used to construct and draw geodesic lines. For detailed usage examples, please refer to the associated demo notebook. Further details can be found in the release publication.

hypertiling.geodesics.circle_through_three_points(z1, z2, z3, verbose=False, eps=1e-10)

Construct Euclidean circle through three points (z1, z2, z3).

Calculates the center and radius of the circle passing through the three points. In case the points are collinear within a precision of “eps”, a radius of -1 is returned.

  • z1 (complex) – First point represented as a complex number.

  • z2 (complex) – Second point represented as a complex number.

  • z3 (complex) – Third point represented as a complex number.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, prints a warning when the points are collinear. Default is False.

  • eps (float, optional) – Precision for collinearity check. Default is 1e-10.


  • complex – Center of the circle represented as a complex number.

  • float – Radius of the circle. Returns -1 if the points are collinear.


Formulas used are derived from:

hypertiling.geodesics.geodesic_angles(z1, z2)

Compute the angles of a geodesic between two complex numbers z1 and z2.

This function serves as a helper for “geodesic_arc”. It first checks if z1 is not too close to the origin, and if so, calculates the inverse of z1 on the unit circle and computes the circle that passes through z1, z2, and the inversion point. If z1 is too close to the origin, it sets the center of the circle to infinity and the radius to -1.

If the calculated radius is -1 (indicating that the points are collinear), it returns 0 for both angles, the center of the circle, and the radius. Otherwise, it calculates the angles from the center of the circle to z1 and z2 and returns these angles, the center of the circle, and the radius.

  • z1 (complex) – First point on the Poincare disk

  • z2 (complex) – Second point on the Poincare disk


  • angle1 (float) – The angle from the center of the circle to z1.

  • angle2 (float) – The angle from the center of the circle to z2.

  • zc (complex) – The center of the circle.

  • radius (float) – The radius of the circle. If the points are collinear, this is -1.


The origin needs some extra care since it is mapped to infinity. In case points are collinear, a radius of -1 is returned.

hypertiling.geodesics.geodesic_arc(z1, z2, **kwargs)

Returns a hyperbolic line segment connecting z1 and z2 as a matplotlib drawing object.

If the points are collinear, a straight line is drawn using matplotlib.patch.Arrow. Otherwise, a hyperbolic arc is drawn using matplotlib.patch.Arc.

  • z1 (complex) – First point represented as a complex number.

  • z2 (complex) – Second point represented as a complex number.

  • **kwargs (dict) – Additional parameters to be passed to the drawing function.


A matplotlib object representing the line or arc.

Return type:

matplotlib.lines.Line2D or matplotlib.patches.Arc


The function uses the geodesic_angles function to compute necessary parameters for the arc. It also performs angle normalization to ensure that negative angles are correctly handled.

hypertiling.geodesics.geodesic_midpoint(z1, z2)

Compute the geodesic midpoint between two complex numbers, z1 and z2.

The function first applies a Möbius transformation to move z1 and z2 such that z1 is at the origin (0). It then calculates the distance between the origin and the new location of z2 (z2n). This distance is transformed into a Cartesian radius r using the hyperbolic tangent function. An angle is added to r (using Euler’s formula), which is then transformed back to the original location by applying the inverse Möbius transformation.

  • z1 (complex) – First point on the Poincare disk

  • z2 (complex) – Second point on the Poincare disk


The geodesic midpoint of z1 and z2.

Return type:


hypertiling.geodesics.minor(M, i, j)

Return the “minor” of a matrix with respect to index (i,j).

  • M (ndarray) – Input matrix.

  • i (int) – Row index to be deleted.

  • j (int) – Column index to be deleted.


M – Minor of the input matrix.

Return type:



Perform inversion of input z with respect to the unit circle.


z (complex) – Complex number to be inverted.


z – Inverted complex number.

Return type:
