Abstract Base Classes

class hypertiling.kernel_abc.Tiling(p: int, q: int, n: int, mangle: float = 0.0021547274537546575)

The abstract base class of a hyperbolic tiling

abstract get_angle(index: int) float

Returns the angle to the center of the polygon at index. :param index: int = index of the polygon :return: float = center of the polygon

abstract get_center(index: int) complex128

Returns the center of the polygon at index. :param index: int = index of the polygon :return: np.complex128 = center of the polygon

abstract get_layer(index: int) int

Returns the layer to the center of the polygon at index. :param index: int = index of the polygon :return: int = layer of the polygon

get_nbrs(i, **kwargs)

return the indices of the neighbours of vertex i. :param i: int the index you’re intereted in. :return: a list of all neighbours


calculates for each vertex the neighbours a returns a list. :return: List of list with neighbours

abstract get_sector(index: int) int

Returns the sector, the polygon at index refers to. :param index: int = index of the polygon :return: int = number of the sector

abstract get_vertices(index: int) array

Returns the p vertices of the polygon at index. :param index: int = index of the polygon :return: np.array[np.complex128][p] = vertices of the polygon

class hypertiling.kernel_abc.Graph(p: int, q: int, n: int, mangle: float = 0.0021547274537546575)

The abstract base class of a hyperbolic graph