Command line tools#

A number of executable python scripts in the folder py_alf/cli. For productive work, it may be suitable to add this folder to the $PATH environment variable. \(\phantom{\xi}\)


Extensively commented example script showing the minimal steps for creating and running an ALF simulation in pyALF.


Helper script for compiling and running ALF.

usage: alf_run [-h] [--alfdir ALFDIR] [--sims_file SIMS_FILE]
               [--branch BRANCH] [--machine MACHINE] [--mpi] [--n_mpi N_MPI]
               [--mpiexec MPIEXEC] [--mpiexec_args MPIEXEC_ARGS]

Named Arguments#


Path to ALF directory. (default: os.getenv(‘ALF_DIR’, ‘./ALF’)


File defining simulations parameters. Each line starts with the Hamiltonian name and a comma, after wich follows a dict in JSON format for the parameters. A line that says stop can be used to interrupt. (default: ‘./Sims’)


Git branch to checkout.


Machine configuration (default: ‘GNU’)


mpi run


number of mpi processes (default: 4)


Command used for starting a MPI run (default: ‘mpiexec’)


Additional arguments to MPI executable.

--do_analysis, --ana

Run default analysis after each simulation.


Script for postprocessing Monte Carlo bins.

usage: alf_postprocess [-h] [--check_warmup] [--check_rebin]
                       [-l CHECK_LIST [CHECK_LIST ...]] [--do_analysis]
                       [--always] [--gather] [--no_tau]
                       [--custom_obs CUSTOM_OBS] [--symmetry SYMMETRY]
                       [directories ...]

Positional Arguments#


Directories to analyze. If empty, analyzes all directories containing file “data.h5” it can find, starting from the current working directory.

Named Arguments#

--check_warmup, --warmup

Check warmup. Opens new window.

Default: False

--check_rebin, --rebin

Check rebinning for controlling autocorrelation. Opens new window.

Default: False

-l, --check_list

List of observables to check for warmup and rebinning.

--do_analysis, --ana

Do analysis.

Default: False


Do not skip analysis if parameters and bins are older than results.

Default: False


Gather all analysis results in one file named “gathered.pkl”, representing a pickled pandas DataFrame.

Default: False


Skip time displaced correlations.

Default: False


File that defines custom observables. This file has to define the object custom_obs, needed by py_alf.analysis. (default: os.getenv(“ALF_CUSTOM_OBS”, None))

--symmetry, --sym

File that defines lattice symmetries. This file has to define the object symmetry, needed by py_alf.analysis. (default: None))


Count number of bins in ALF HDF5 file(s), assuming all observables have the same number of bins.

usage: alf_bin_count [-h] [filenames ...]

Positional Arguments#


Name of HDF5 files. If no arguments are supplied, all files named “data.h5” in the current working directory and below are taken.


Show observables and their number of bins in ALF HDF5 file(s).

usage: alf_show_obs [-h] [filenames ...]

Positional Arguments#


Name of HDF5 files. If no arguments are supplied, all files named “data.h5” in the current working directory and below are taken.


Delete N bins in all observables of the specified HDF5-file.

usage: alf_del_bins [-h] --N N [--N0 N0] filename

Positional Arguments#


Name of HDF5 file.

Named Arguments#


Number of bins to remove after first N0 bins.


Number of first N0 bins to keep. (default=0)


Script for testing two branches against one another.The test succeeds if analysis results for both branches are exactly the same.

usage: alf_test_branch [-h] [--sim_pars SIM_PARS] [--alfdir ALFDIR]
                       [--branch_R BRANCH_R] [--branch_T BRANCH_T]
                       [--machine MACHINE] [--devel] [--mpi] [--n_mpi N_MPI]
                       [--mpiexec MPIEXEC] [--mpiexec_args MPIEXEC_ARGS]
                       [--no_prep] [--no_sim] [--no_analyze]

Named Arguments#


JSON file containing parameters for testing. (default: ‘./test_pars.json’)


Path to ALF directory. (default: os.getenv(‘ALF_DIR’, ‘./ALF’))


Reference branch. (default: master)


Branch to test. (default: master)


Machine configuration. (default: “GNU”)


Compile with additional flags for development and debugging.


Do MPI run(s). (default: False)


Number of MPI processes. (default: 4)


Command used for starting an MPI run. (default: “mpiexec”)


Additional arguments to MPI executable.


Do not prepare runs, i.e. Compiling and creating directories.


Do not run ALF binary.


Do not analyze and compare results.