ALF 2.5 released

The latest stable version of the package is now ALF 2.5. The main improvements with respect to 2.4 are: Better handling of errors. Improved, automatic compilation of HDF5. Safer restart function. With respect to the latter point: as of ALF 2.5 a file named RUNNING is generated in each run directory and is deleted upon successful completion of the run. Restart is not allowed if the file RUNNING is not present. [Read More]

ALF 2.4 released

The latest stable version of the package is now ALF 2.4. The main improvements with respect to 2.3 are: The availability of the numerical libraries Lapack and BLAS is now automatically tested by the installation configuration script (issue 219). Symmetries between flavors can now be leveraged to a speed-up of a factor \(N_\text{fl}\)*. * In the ALF code, the flavor index refers to degrees of freedom that are block diagonal. [Read More]

ALF 2.3 released

The latest stable version of the package is now ALF 2.3. The main improvements with respect to 2.2 are: Automatically write all parameters to the HDF5 file by parsing the Hamiltonian files and also check that the parameters are identical when resuming a previous run (issue 196). The necessary numerical libraries are now tested by the installation script (issue 219). Improved code modularity (issue 223). Additional error message: warning for checkerboard decomposition on odd-sized lattices (bug 207). [Read More]

ALF 2.2 released

The latest stable version of the package is now ALF 2.2. The main improvements with respect to 2.1 are: HDF5 data format is supported (see documentation Sec. 5.7.2, 6.2, 6.3) bond multiplicity is automatically taken care of by the code To use HDF5 you’ll need to recompile the package. Notice that, due to this changes, this release is not strictly backwards compatible: the argument DEVEL/DEVELOPMENT is no longer a MACHINE name, but an optional switch in script configure. [Read More]

ALF 2.1 released

The latest stable version of the package is now ALF 2.1. The main change from 2.0 is under the hood: Hamiltonians are now written as submodules of Hamiltonian_main_mod, using the class ham_base, which contains all the stuff common to Hamiltonians - a more economical, object oriented approach that’s a time saver and better structures the code. Notice that, due to this change, this release is not backwards compatible: check its CHANGELOG and documentation for details and the modifications necessary to adapt existing Hamiltonians to ALF 2. [Read More]