MARQOV is a generic and highly scalable software workflow for Monte Carlo simulations of classical equilibrium spin systems, written in C++14 and Python 3. It provides efficient automatization in parallel environments and is therefore particularly suited for systems featuring quenched disordered geometries. It is designed to meet the following criteria:
- Lightweight, yet powerful code design
- Library of standard MCMC algorithms
- Optimized for prominent problems
- Convenient I/O and restart capabilities
- Large variety of different systems
- Native support of general geometries
- Interface for user-defined observables
- Reproducible scientific results
- Replicas scheduling system
- Parallel tempering
- Data management (HDF5)
- Analysis templates for Jupyter Lab
- Focus on scalability (OpenMPI)
- Convenient sample parallelization
- From desktop workstations ...
- ... up to supercomputers