Available standard observables

class Magnetization

Magnetization Euclidean norm of the sum of state vectors.

Public Functions

Magnetization(std::string name, std::string description)

Construct a magnetization object.

  • name: How you want to call it.

  • description: A helpful description for this observable.

Public Members

std::string name = {"m"}

The name of the observable.

std::string desc = {"magnetization"}

A helpful description that will be used in the HDF5 output files.

class VectorMagnetization

Vector Magnetization.

Sum of every component of the state vectors

class MagFTComp


template<class Hamiltonian>
class InteractionEnergy

Interaction Energy Observable.

Template Parameters
  • Hamiltonian: We require the Hamiltonian to be able to calculate energies.

template<class Hamiltonian>
class SelfEnergy

Self Energy Observable.

Template Parameters
  • Hamiltonian: We require the Hamiltonian to be able to calculate energies.

template<class Hamiltonian>
class FlexEnergy

Flex Energy Observable.

Template Parameters
  • Hamiltonian: We require the Hamiltonian to be able to calculate energies.

template<class Hamiltonian>
class Energy

Full Energy Observable.

Template Parameters
  • Hamiltonian: We require the Hamiltonian to be able to calculate energies.