The Ising Simple example¶
This is probably the simplest self-defined model. It shows how to define a Model, use a predefined lattice, and a predefined observable. It sets up marqov as a single threaded simulation of a single parameter set without any scheduling.
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#include <array>
// include the RegularLattice
#include "../src/lattice/regular_hypercubic.h"
// include the MARQOV library
#include "libmarqov.h"
// include certain hamiltonian building blocks from the utilities
#include "../src/hamiltonian/util/termcollection.h"
// include some predefined observables, e.g. the magnetization and the energy
#include "../src/hamiltonian/util/observables.h"
class MySimpleIsing
// The spin dimension of the Ising model
constexpr static int SymD = 1;
// Define the state vector that this model will use.
// The Ising Model has integers spins +1/-1, hence we go with plain ints
typedef std::array<int, SymD> StateVector;
// Parameters
double J; // The coupling constant
const std::string name; // every Hamiltonian MUST have a name, this is required for the HDF5 output
// Hamiltonian terms
// here this is only a canonical two-body interaction
std::array<Standard_Interaction<StateVector>*, 1> interactions = {new Standard_Interaction<StateVector>(J)};
// Constructor
MySimpleIsing(double J) : J(J), name("MySimpleIsing"), obs_e(*this){}
~MySimpleIsing() {delete interactions[0];}
// Observables
Magnetization obs_m;
Energy<MySimpleIsing> obs_e{*this};
std::pair<Magnetization, Energy<MySimpleIsing> > observables {obs_m, obs_e};
using namespace std;
using namespace MARQOV;
int main()
std::cout<<"Welcome to the simplest test case of MARQOV:"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"A plain Ising Model in 2D without threading support."<<std::endl;
// Initialize the lattice
int L = 8;
int dim = 2;
RegularHypercubic mylatt(L, dim);
// Set Monte Carlo parameters using MARQOV::Config
MARQOV::Config mp("./"); //initialize bas path to current folder
mp.outname = "IsingSimple_out"; // output filename: will be IsingSimple_out.h5
mp.setnmetro(5); // number of Metropolis sweeps per EMCS(Elementary Monte Carlo Sweep)
mp.setncluster(10); // number of Wolff updates per EMCS
mp.setwarmupsteps(500); // number of EMCS for warmup
mp.setgameloopsteps(3000); // number of EMCS for production
mp.logverbosity = DEBUG; // set the verbositiy of our log to quite verbose
// Set the Hamiltonian parameters, J, and the inverse temperature beta
double beta = 0.440;
double J = -1;
auto hp = make_tuple(beta, J);
// Prepare argument list, contains
// 1) reference to the lattice
// 2) Monte Carlo parameter object
// 3) Hamiltonian parameters packed as tuple
auto args = make_tuple(std::ref(mylatt), mp, hp);
// Eexecute the Core routines of MARQOV.
auto mysim = makeCore<RegularHypercubic, MySimpleIsing>(args);
mysim.init(); // initialize the state space; by default randomized
mysim.wrmploop(); // do some warmup, to get rid of memory of the initial state
mysim.gameloop(); // Get the game going! Involves: Some EMCS, and then some measurements