The latest stable version of the package is now ALF 2.3.
The main improvements with respect to 2.2 are:
- Automatically write all parameters to the HDF5 file by parsing the Hamiltonian files and also check that the parameters are identical when resuming a previous run (issue 196).
- The necessary numerical libraries are now tested by the installation script (issue 219).
- Improved code modularity (issue 223).
- Additional error message: warning for checkerboard decomposition on odd-sized lattices (bug 207).
- Solved other bugs: 209, 217 and 221.
Notice that, due to this changes, this release is not strictly backwards compatible and the following must be watched:
- Parameters need to be formulated in format for parsing as described in Sec. 5.6 of documentation.
- With HDF5: Add typebound procedure
to Hamiltonian.
Check the CHANGELOG and documentation for further details.